Q: What are the key dates for Elections in November 2016?
This year’s Election will occur on November 8th 2016 between the hours of 6 AM and 8 PM.
The deadline for voter registration is October 27th 2015 by 8 PM
Persons who:
Become U.S. Citizens,
Move into town,
Become 18 years old after November 1st 2016, may register in the office of the Registrar of Voters from 9 AM to 5 PM on November 7th , 2016.
Absentee Ballots for the election are available beginning on October 7th 2016.
Q: Are some elected offices voted on during even-numbered years and others during odd-numbered years?
In every even-numbered year (2014, 2016, 2018, 2020,etc), Connecticut citizens elect to a 2-year terms:
all members of the Connecticut House and Senate
all members of the U.S. House of Representatives
Some Registrars of Voters
In even-numbered, non-presidential years (2014, 2018, 2022), Connecticut citizens elect, to a 4-year terms:
Statewide offices: (Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Comptroller and Attorney General)
Probate Judges
Some Registrars of Voters
In all odd-numbered years (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, etc.)
Connecticut citizens elect to a 2 or 4 year term:
City, Town or Municipal offices, Mayors, Selectmen, members of council, some town clerks, local boards of education, and other offices depending on their Municipal or Town Charters
Q: Do I have to choose a political party when I register to vote?
It is your choice. If you choose not to register with a party (that means, you wish to be an unaffiliated voter), simply indicate that choice in the appropriate place on the registration form.
* You should remember, though, that only enrolled party members are eligible to vote in that political parties primary.
If you are unaffiliated, you may join a party at any time until 5 PM the day before a primary.
If you are changing from one major party to another, there is a 90 day waiting period for your rights to mature.
Q: Do I need to bring identification to vote?
When you enter the polling place area to vote, you must present identification. You may use a driver’s license or anythingthat has your name and one of the following:
Q: When are the polls open?
The polls are open from 6 AM to 8 PM for Primaries and Elections.
Q: Can I vote if I won’t be home on Election Day?
Any qualified registered voter may vote by absentee ballot, if unavailable to vote in person due to:
Absence from town during all voting hours
Physical disability
Active U.S. military service
Religious reasons
Duties as an Election Official
Absentee ballots are available beginning:
21 days before a primary
31 days before a regular election
Request an application for an absentee ballot from your Registrar of Voters, or Municipal Clerk, either in person, by mail, or on this website.
Once the application is completed – you may return the application
In person
By mail
By fax (as long as the original application is presented prior to the absentee ballot being counted) ASAP
If you return the application by mail, the absentee ballot will be sent to you by mail. Your ballot must be received by 8 PM on Election Day for it to be counted.
If you have an unexpected illness or physical disability commencing within six (6) days before the polls close on Election Day or Primary Day, you can still vote. Call your Registrar of Voters or Municipal Clerk for the procedures to follow.
If you find you can vote in person after having submitted an absentee ballot, you must go to the Municipal Clerk’s office before 10 AM on Election Day or Primary Day to request withdrawal of your absentee ballot. The Municipal Clerk will issue a signed statement for you to present to the Moderator of your polling place so you can vote in person.