May 7, 2019 Referendum Information for Budget and Birch Grove Primary School Project
The May 7, 2019 Referendum will consist two questions.
Referendum Budget Question #1 – “Shall the Town of Tolland’s proposed 2019-2020 budget of $56,772,735 reflecting a spending increase of $602,038 or 1.07% which requires a tax rate of 36.05 mills for an increase of 1.05 mills or 3%, be adopted? Yes/No” More Budget information can be viewed here.
Referendum Question #2 – “Shall the Town of Tolland appropriate $46,000,000 for the Birch Grove Primary School Project and authorize the issue of bonds and notes in the same amount to finance said appropriation? Yes/No” More information on Birch Grove can be viewed here.
Please remember the polls will be open from 6:00 am – 8:00 pm and will be held in the Tolland Public Library Program Room.
Please come out to vote.